Unfortunately, I think this is going to be the name of my book of all the insensitive things people say or do to someone that is dealing with infertility.
Ok first I must write a disclaimer...*I am not a fan of holiday newsletters...not at all* Now if you send out a holiday newsletter, please know I will not hold it against you...just don't send it to me.
Ok...After my last entry I went to the doctor for a check up then to the store to get my baking supplies. When I got home, I checked the mail, excited to find more Christmas cards. (I love getting Christmas cards and photos!--See I'm not a total Scrooge). One was from my very good friend, or someone I thought was my good friend. We've kinda lost touch over the year because of another insensitive comment. In this letter, a form letter, she announced her pregnancy (well to me anyway...she's been pregnant since summer). My heart was just broken...If you've ever dealt with infertility, you know how hard it is to hear about other's good fortunes...especially their second or in this case...third...good fortunes. It's really hard to explain...we don't get mad at the couple...it's really just a reminder of what we want so bad, but cannot have.
This case though...I
was mad. I'm sorry I can't help it. It was just a tad insensitive (a
lot of sarcasm here) Yes, I probably would've been upset no matter what, but I really think a little personal note asking about how I'm doing and breaking it gently would've soothed the shock.
Whatever...I should have moved on a long time ago. It's just the last in a long line of insensitive remarks and actions. We really were great friends at one time. The things I know....not things that a Christian mother of three does....that's all I'm going to say...
Anyway...now that
that is off my chest...I actually did it...I joined myspace. I've said
forever that I wouldn't...however my friend Patty convinced me. If you're interested my site is www.myspace.com/mives121
And I realize I haven't posted a layout here in ages! Believe me I've been busy...I love the creative teams I'm on! I have been so fortunate to play with these awesome designs...here are a couple of my latest...

I used Holiday Peace from the Scrapbook Bytes E-Team (December 06 kit) for this one of Dakota eating my candy cane.

I used Tracy Ann's Midnight kit for this one...I love her new glitter!

This kit is from a new collection by Tracy Ann...this one is Flip...don't ask what I was doing...I'm really not sure.

I LOVE how this one turned out...I used Ange Barton's (Angedawn) 21...the grunge was perfect for the city scape, I also used one of Tracy Ann's Photo Mats on the photo.

This cute layout is done thanks to a template from Teresa Ferguson's Smarties 3 collection. Teresa has such a fresh style...I love using her templates! The kit here is Sweet Blue from Tracy Ann.
Well that's all for now...I can't wait to share what I'm getting for Christmas...I'm so excited! Of course, like always there will be a lot of travel, but it will be really nice to see all the family in one weekend. Besides...I can just sleep in the car. ;)
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and hopefully I'll post again before the new year.
Travel safe!