Anyway, I picked this day to be inspired to take a self-portrait. Hey...but that's what we do right...document the good and bad? I found a sunny window and took some self-portraits. Well, I had the song "Bad Day" in my head and was compelled to scrap my photos.
Here is the result:

Credits: kit-Boho Chic by Michelle Coleman (ScrapArtist), brushes-Distressing kit from ScrapArtist, font-Susie's Hand; filter-Visual Photographer
Is it conceited that I really LOvE this page? This is the style I've wanted to capture for awhile, and of course, Michelle Coleman's papers and designs don't hurt (I'm becoming a huge fan!).
Creativity has always been my release when I'm down. When I was in high school I wrote books and books of poetry--full of teenage angst...but so revealing. I look back now and I was pretty good. Now I don't have that same release or artistic freedom to write that way again. I blame that on years of news writing classes for my journalism major.
Singing has always been a release for me also. There's nothing better than belting out a song that expresses exactly how you feel. I do that when I'm happy, sad, angry...whatever. It really helps...I'm sure I get many odd looks when I'm screaming Janis Joplin's Piece of my Heart in the car...but oh well...that's there problem...not mine. (See I told you I was a piece of work today)
Thanks for letting me share. A question for you...what helps you on a bad day?
I LOVE THIS!!!! And even if you are having a bad day, you still look beautiful!
What helps me...a 1/2 gallon of ice cream? No, j/k...I tend to sleep it off. A nap seems to cure my blues. ;)
Chocolate. Lots of chocolate. With whole hazelnuts. Or toffee chips.
Cuddling with my husband.
Oh man, belting out Piece of my Heart is definitely a release! I thought you were too young to know that song LOL!
Your LO is simply gorgeous! Love it!
Well I personally loved this page when I caught it in the Gallery this weekend. However, now you are having a GOOD day as a guest CT so I hereby request a NEW post with your GOOD news. :D
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