Look what I found this morning....my daffodils! Ok...I had nothing to do with these....they were here long before we moved in. But aren't they pretty? Usually we don't get this many, but this is actually one of two patches.
Spring is finally here!
Last night, I tried to take Dakota for a walk. Dakota's our 90 pound lab, who doesn't walk on a leash very well...ok not at all. We walked five blocks than came back and I finished my walk. She was crazy...barking, jumping, trying to run. What an upper arm workout though.
Yes, I've accepted the fact I looked like the neighborhood fool!
But it was so GORGEOUS outside yesterday. Temps in the low 70's and sunny. I was supposed to go to step class, but
why when you've been cooped up all winter?
Not too much longer and I'll be hanging up the hammock!
You need to get a gentle leader for Dakota. I use it with Sheba (110 pounds) and she is a breeze to take for walks now! The $40 is well worth it!
Gorgeous photo!
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