I married my best friend and the love of my life!

Where did the years go? We've been through so much and have so much more to look forward to. Tonight I think we're going to stay in (saving for a house!) and order pizza. (I know soo romantic, but we were in Germany just last week!) I did buy a bottle of wine and I'm in the process of sprucing up the house so we can just enjoy each other...yes, I am a lucky girl!
And with the beginning of June, my appointment as a guest CT member for Gina Miller Designs has come to an end. It was a great month! Gina's designs are beautiful and I really did get a lot done, despite the fact I was away for one week. Here's a collection of my completed layouts...
I'm pretty proud of these. I really think my style is developing...but I'll never stick to one. I change too much. But I do like my double page layouts!
But as a final plug for Gina Miller Designs...be sure to check out her new CD collection-Designer's Studio!
This is 10 gorgeous kits with EVERYTHING!!! It's on sale right now so run (don't walk) and pick this baby up! (Click on the photo for the link!)
Well I have to get ready for dinner with my hubby! Ciao for now!
Have fun and I hope you get extra cheese on that pie! ;)
You created some fabulous LOs with Gina's stuff this month! Where did May go?
You were a gorgeous bride!
Wow! Your LOS looks awesome side by side like that. You should be proud. :) Thanks for all the hard work!!
Happy Anniversary! And you are the "what's your number" winner on my blog! :) Woo Hoo! :) email me at ange(dot)barton(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll get you your download girl! :)
Happy Anniversary! :)
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