Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry Digi-Christmas...
Here's what Santa brought me...(Santa as in my family)
First from my BIL...
I LOVE this book...I have the first one, but this one is even better because you can add your own sketches and ideas at the end. So many of the ideas transfer so well to digi...need a little inspiration...this is the book you need!
Then from my brother...
Isn't this the cutest? Amazingly this bag fits so much stuff! (However, if you have a widescreen laptop it probably won't fit...hopefully they'll make another one that will)
Then...from my loving, wonderful parents...
Seriously people...does it get better than this? You know it doesn't...
Finally, my wonderful husband, who sometimes I wonder why he puts up with me so...
For Christmas---RAM (which brings me to 1 GB) [Sorry no pic...RAM's really not that exciting to look at]
Then for my upcoming birthday...
My previous camera has been on the fritz for over a month now and unfortunatly hit rock bottom over the holidays and I missed out on many photo ops. I originally wanted a dSLR, but there is no way we could swing it now, but I wanted something more advanced than my previous model, which had 3.2 mp and 3x optical zoom. The reviews for this camera were outstanding, plus I can shoot quality video on it. The zoom is spectacular and I can purchase additional lenses and a external flash later.
So my birthday isn't for another three weeks, but since my problems with my other birthday came a little early this year...who am I to complain?
Of course, this isn't all for digi thing I've learned since looking for a job is that most journalism/writing jobs require graphic design experience also. I'm hoping to start taking classes toward a visual journalism emphasis this fall to add to my current degree. However until then...I can learn as much as I can on my own. I've also been exploring digital art and would like to put some items together and enter the local gallery walk.
I hope everyone reading this had the happiest of's to the new year....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Some people are just idiots, Part Deux...
Ok first I must write a disclaimer...*I am not a fan of holiday newsletters...not at all* Now if you send out a holiday newsletter, please know I will not hold it against you...just don't send it to me.
Ok...After my last entry I went to the doctor for a check up then to the store to get my baking supplies. When I got home, I checked the mail, excited to find more Christmas cards. (I love getting Christmas cards and photos!--See I'm not a total Scrooge). One was from my very good friend, or someone I thought was my good friend. We've kinda lost touch over the year because of another insensitive comment. In this letter, a form letter, she announced her pregnancy (well to me anyway...she's been pregnant since summer). My heart was just broken...If you've ever dealt with infertility, you know how hard it is to hear about other's good fortunes...especially their second or in this case...third...good fortunes. It's really hard to explain...we don't get mad at the's really just a reminder of what we want so bad, but cannot have.
This case though...I was mad. I'm sorry I can't help it. It was just a tad insensitive (a lot of sarcasm here) Yes, I probably would've been upset no matter what, but I really think a little personal note asking about how I'm doing and breaking it gently would've soothed the shock.
Whatever...I should have moved on a long time ago. It's just the last in a long line of insensitive remarks and actions. We really were great friends at one time. The things I know....not things that a Christian mother of three does....that's all I'm going to say... that that is off my chest...I actually did it...I joined myspace. I've said forever that I wouldn't...however my friend Patty convinced me. If you're interested my site is
And I realize I haven't posted a layout here in ages! Believe me I've been busy...I love the creative teams I'm on! I have been so fortunate to play with these awesome are a couple of my latest...
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and hopefully I'll post again before the new year.
Travel safe!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
If you wait until a few days before Christmas
*whew* Had to get that off my chest. But yesterday was my last day doing customer service! Yea! Most people were really nice, but I had my intelligence questioned one too many times to actually enjoy the job. I can't help it...I'm a nice person and tend to take things's just what I do.
Can you believe that Christmas is less than a week away?! I'm excited. Ok...this may sound horrible...but I LOVE presents! I love getting them I love giving them! I just love everything about them! Please don't think anything less of me. :D I'm especially excited this year because I *think* I'm going to have the digi-scrapper's dream of a holiday.
Today I'm going to do my baking...I'm making traditional sugar cut-outs and spritz. I'm also going to make Super Easy Fudge, which really is super easy...thanks to the Betty Crocker cookbook. Then I have to do laundry :( (My worst chore)
Well...I'm going to leave you for's a photo of our Christmas tree, which is the most beauiful Christmas tree I've ever seen!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wha? Ya mean this blog doesn't update itself?
I've also been a rollercoaster of emotions lately. I really don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I've done a lot of both. This time of year is always emotional for me and has been for the past four years. Every Christmas I always say this will be the last as a childless couple, however, Christmas seems to find its way back and we're still in the same place.
I still don't have a job, but I've been doing customer service for a cheese and sausage company until the 19th...which has it's ups and downs. Mostly it had been good, but someone yesterday said something to me that struck me to the very core of my confidence. I can't even write it here as it's still too fresh. It's amazing how much words really hurt.
I wrote a letter to Santa this first in a while. Actually it was a scrapbook page.
Credits here
Ok...I really don't mean for this to be a depressing first post in such a long while. Actually I have been doing quite well. I feel like my depression is lifting. And that is the most wonderful news. That black blanket is slowly being pulled from my eyes and I'm starting to see color again. And this is what I wanted before we decided what our next step was in creating our family. Now we will be saving money for IVF. Anyone have an extra $20,000 lying around? Unfortunately that means my scrapping budget will have to be greatly decreased (more than usual)...thank goodness for the designers who've asked me to be on their CTs! But don't worry...once we receive that gift we long so much for, I and my Paypal account will be back! :D
And to finish...I've been tagged so if you've made it this far, Shannon is the reason I'm back!
I'm tagging Steph, Julie, Jen, Ange and Teresa
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate with tons and tons of marshmallows, plus an extra couple on the side.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Santa of course, who else would do it?
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? All white...I just love it!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? I don't need!
5. When do you put your decorations up? The closest weekend to Dec. 1.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Mashed potatoes and gravy!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child. Santa would always stop at my Grandma's house before he started out on his long journey. He always would bring my cousin's an I one gift each, then we would remind him what we wanted him to bring to our house later that night. To keep us busy until he came, my Grandma would hide sticks of spearmint gum and we'd play "hot and cold." Once my little brother who was scared of Santa (well he's 27 now) was looking for his gum by the front door when Santa rang his jingle bells and shouted out a "HO, HO, HO!" The look on his face!!! (only a big sister could appreciate that story!)
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? uh....what do you mean?
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes...and I'm always the one who starts this's my right and it wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Our tree this year is a pretty balsam with white lights, silver beads, a white and silver star and red and silver bulbs. We also hang our special ornaments like our Hallmark ones that we collect each year.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? If it would snow only from Dec. 22 to Dec. 27...maybe the 28th I would be happy. I like to look at it...from inside with a hot cup of coaco in my hands.
12. Can you ice skate? don't do anything in the winter besides what was described in question 11.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? hmmm...this is a hard one...Andy and I usually don't exchange gifts...Oh! I remember the favorite gift I gave! My mom was in love with a particular piece of art that depicted a bride on her wedding day with the ghost of her mother behind her (can't remember the painter). She saw it on vacation and kicked herself later because she didn't buy it. I found a plate with the image on it and purchased it on eBay from a store in Canada, however, a day later was Sept. 11th, 2001. The plate was stuck in Canada, but fortunately it arrived on time. She love it!
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? I love getting together with family. I love that good feeling.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Without a second thought...pumpkin pie!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Getting the dogs in the car and driving around the park with all the lights while listening to Christmas music.
17. What tops your tree? A star.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving, not only because I love seeing peoples faces when they open what I give them, but also because I can shop all I want and not feel guilty for one month. (So is that like giving something to myself and it doesn't count?)
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sung by Judy Garland (Shannon, I can't change this...I get chills when I hear this!)
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? I've eaten half a box already....Kelvin and Dakota help me though.
Tag you're it! (Copy, paste and share on your blog) Leave me a comment with a link to your blog so I can check out your answers too!
And in case I don't make it back here for another month...have a Merry, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Mixture of happiness and sadness...
However, the marriage referendum went through and that made me very sad. I really expected it to get shot down. Hopefully next time...
I'm also happy that the smoking ban in bars will continue in Appleton. I'm not a resident so I didn't vote on this issue...but I can't tell you how much I enjoy waking up the next morning after a night out and not gagging over the smell in my hair. My hangovers aren't that bad either. Now....if only Oshkosh would follow suit...
I know not everyone reading this will share my opinions, but isn't that what a blog is for, to express your thoughts and opinions?
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Don't forget to vote today...
AND if you live in Wisconsin....Please, PLEASE vote "NO" on the marriage referendum. It is an unnecessary referendum and will take away rights of so many Wisconsin residents. If this referendum goes through, ALL civil unions will lose their rights. With a "NO" vote nothing will change. Please visit Fair Wisconsin Web site.
Voting is so easy to do...I got up and voted at 7:30 this morning...and it took only a couple minutes. So get down to your local polling place!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!!!
Andy and I had a blast at the Halloween party we went to on Saturday night...we didn't get home until 3:30 a.m. Now thats a party! LOL!
Here are a couple photos...
Friday, October 27, 2006
Lover of words...
Today I was thinking about my love of reading and writing...words really. Books have always been a big part of my life. I credit this to my mom who always read to my brother and I. Steve and I would get into our pajamas, cuddle up with our blankets and favorite stuffed animals, while mom pulled out a well worn book.
As much she would try to pull out something new, we insisted on our favorites, which she read dutifully time and time again. We were repeatedly drawn to The Monster at the End of this Book, a story about a panda bear who loved his watercolor paintbox and I had a particular fondness for Cinderella.
My mom still has most of these books, especially Cinderella, which was our personal favorite. It's corners are worn and some of the pages may be bent, but that story is still the same.
Mom read that book so much that I had it memorized very early, much to the chargrin of my mom, who tried unsuccessfully to skip pages so I'd go to bed.
It was from this book that I had my first learning "a-ha" moment, as Oprah would call it. Although my mom had taught me to write words like "cat," "hat," and my name, I still hadn't quite put together the meaning of words and their connection that told a story.
My "a-ha" moment reminds me of that scene in "Miracle Worker" where young Helen Keller puts together the sign for water with actual water. In reality it's a complex idea, something I believe we take advantage of as adults.
The first word that I had that connection with was "room." It was on a page towards the end of the Cinderella book...a page that I really hadn't memorized. I don't remember the situation around my realization...I just remember the light...just like those cartoon light bulbs. But that light started an obsession...I wanted more and sought out words and their meanings everywhere I could.
After that I picked up reading pretty quickly. While many of my classmates were still reading board books, I had graduated onto Little House on the Prairie, which I completed in first grade, even though I didn't really understand the meaning of chapters. I just read each chapter as a seperate story.
In seventh grade, after learning my childhood idol Debbie Gibson would be playing Eponine in Les Miserables, I wanted to read the novel by Victor Hugo. I went to the library and found the heavy volumn and brought it to the checkout desk. However, the librarian wouldn't let me check it out. She said it was too advanced for was a book for college students...not for a girl not even in high school. I took it out anyway. I didn't read it all the way through, but I did fall in love with the story especially Eponine's.
In tenth grade, I took out the book again...this time I read it all the way through...along with my required literature for class. I've read it many, many more times since...and now own the original version, the abridged version and a two-volumn version in French, as well as most versions of the Broadway recordings.
Yes, books and words have been a large part of my life. Reading is a powerful powerful it can unlock the entire world.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's been for-ev-eh...
Didja like my picture? LOL! No that's not my Halloween costume...that's my husband's, without the dress that is. He's actually wearing a pin-striped three-piece suit with the gorilla costume! I'm going as a beer bitch...or bar wench...whatever you feel like calling me. I was looking all over for plastic beer mugs so I could carry several large mugs at once like they do at the Hof Brau Haus in Munich (without the weight of the glass mugs). My plan was to use one for beer, then the others I would fill with gold-colored Jell-O and top with Reddi Whip. So now I'll carry two glass ones both filled with beer...:D I LOVE Halloween!
I have great news!!! The awesome Teresa Ferguson asked me to be to be on her new creative team! I'm so excited to work with her's one that I've done already with a photo of my completely darling nephew...
I've been itching to scrap...but I just finished the Miss Marinette Area pageant. My mom is the executive director of the pageant, and I am the producer/director/host/performer for the show. It was a great show...but I'm glad it's done for another year.
I also want to finish knitting my new hat...yes, I knit. The cold weather has refreshed my desire and a pink, cashmere blend yarn sitting in my stash was calling me to make a new winter set. I finished my 50" cable scarf over the weekend (it took me a week, only because I had to order and wait for more yarn). I did finish my hat, but it was too short so I frogged it halfway and made it longer. I also have a sweater started. Knitting is really relaxing and meditative....and it gives my eyes a rest from the computer screen ;). I'll post pictures when I've finished the matching cabled mittens.
Well I have to go find a photo of a donkey's ass...don't's for my husband...
Friday, October 13, 2006
Freaky Friday...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Carrots are my new friend...
We haven't completely decided our next path, but we're...I'm...really leaning toward IVF. His only reservations are its effect on me. However, at this point, right at this moment...I'm not ready for IVF.
Which brings me to my the cholesterol results today and its even less pretty than total cholesterol was 252! Before we do anything...I need to get my body ready. Yes, I know I've been saying this for awhile, but that number scares the sh*t out of me. I come from a family with heart problems. I saw my dad suffer from a heart attack in his 40s.
So carrots are my friends...
Friday, October 6, 2006
Some people are just idiots...
It's almost 1 a.m., so indulge me in a little rant...
Ok, today I went to the doc's for a routine choelesterol blood test and a med check...just routine stuff. Met with the meds...blah.
So the nurse comes in the room to draw my blood. I told her to use my right arm as that one's the best...then I made some sarcastic joke about all the blood being drained from my left arm. She looked at me oddly so I explained that I'd had a lot of blood drawn over the past couple years because of infertility treatments.
She pauses, gives me a sympathetic look and says "Oh, that's too bad...I have five." *Picture eyes bulging out of my head* I mean, WTF? How do you respond to that? Then she continues..."All I have to do is blink and I'm pregnant!" Well goody, f***ing goody for you! She's a f***ing nurse! How f***ing insensitive can you f****ing be? Then she gave me the "just relax" mantra...(Oh really...damn...You mean that's all I had to do?)
I hate people sometimes.
*Rant over*
Sunday, October 1, 2006
A new look...
And I've been tagged by Julie. Since I also have two dogs, I'm going to go with her second tag...the five weird things about yourself and/or your pets...for your reading pleasure...
1. I will only eat Heinz ketchup. Don't even come to my table with a bottle of Hunt' won't be pretty...seriously.
2. When my cocker spaniel, Kelvin, is tired, he wants me to carry him upstairs to bed. If I don't, he'll eventually walk up the stairs, but do a tap dance on the wood floors by the bed until I lift him up anyway.
3. My lab, Dakota, can hear her daddy's truck turn on our street...I swear. She'll be upstairs and run down to the window...then I clean up quickly before he comes through the door.
4. My high school mascot was a Maroon...yeah...a color.
5. Believe it or not, Kelvin loves to dress up. I've gotten comments about my layouts with him in costume, but he really enjoys it! For example, he has a Hawaiian shirt...when I tried to take it off for bed he growled at he slept in the damn thing! (He's going to be Batman for Halloween, BTW!)
Oh...I have to tag someone else...Steph? You're on!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Creativity Challenge
Thanks for looking!
Monday, September 25, 2006
A little of this, a little of that...
Meanwhile, I'm loving cooking. And if you knew me in real life, you'd probably be falling over right now (because, yes, until now, my husband has subsisted almost solely on frozen pizzas and Pizza Rolls...and an occasional Saturday afternoon sandwich). It's like art. I love using spices! I experiment all the time. For instance, I put just a tad of cinnamon in tomato sauces. Have no idea where that came just sounded good and it was. Here's a partial list of some dishes I made over the last week or so...
- Beef roast (prepared in crockpot)
- Ravioli lasanga (got the idea from watching the Today show, but really just made it up after that)
- Chicken tortilla soup (this recipe has been traveling around the digi community--but I made it spicier with jalapino peppers, jalapino juice and Louisiana hot sauce)
- Barbeque chicken breasts
I've also completed a couple more layouts. I used Tracy Ann's new Elements set available here at SBB.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Or so I think...who really knows...I think its worse with PCOS. Stretchy pants and blankets for me...and this is bad...I hope Andy doesn't come home from out of town today, just so I don't have to clean.
But yesterday I did run a mile and a half. I took up jogging a couple weeks ago...I actually really like it...I'm not stressing out about it though...I have a two mile route and I jog and walk whenever I need to...but yesterday...I just kept going. Yeah...I hurt like hell, but it really made me feel good. I try to run more than walk each time, but if I don't...who cares...there's always next time. My driving music? P!nk's I'm Not Dead and Try This CDs.
No job yet...But I did just apply for a position of "Pop Culture Reporter." fun, eh? Maybe this will be the one?
Scrapbook Bytes Element Team layouts
Angedawn Layouts
Credits: papers, alpha, stamps, ribbon from "Eighteen" by Angela Barton (Sweet Shoppe Designs); staples by Heather Roselli from "Toddler Time" compilation kit with Angela Barton (Sweet Shoppe Designs); tag (recolored) by Gina Miller from Fall Flower kit (exclusive from DigiShopTalk); fonts-Maiandra GT and Zitcream.
Tracy Ann Designs
That's it for now! Ciao...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
And another TOOT!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Has it really been so long???
Good question! I have no idea!
I have been doing tons of scrapping, looking for jobs and doing lots of reading. I've been obsessed with the Non-Designer's series. It seems that a lot of the jobs I'm interested in all involve design skills, even for writers. So I'm studying the Adobe Suite, reading books on design and Web design.
Did you click on Angedawn's blinkie? (in the post below or in the sidebar) She used my layout on to promote her newest kit, Seventeen!
Here are some of my latest layouts...
From Angedawn Designs:
Layout scraplifted from Summer 2005 layout by Jennifer Johner in BHG Design Secrets
Another one with Seventeen...
I used Color Variations in PSE to achieve the brownish tint on the main photo
From Tracy Ann Robinson...
Credits: Patchwork Charm kit by Tracy Ann Robinson (Scrapbook Bytes); Splotch brushes by Tracy Ann (Scrapbook Bytes); font: AL Gettysburg.
Other layouts...
As you can see I've been exploring my scanner also...:D
Oh...and I expect to have a secret...take that Steph! :P ;)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Please excuse me....
The fabulous Angedawn has asked me to be a part of her CT! So you may notice a new blinkie in the next column!
I'm soooo excited! Thanks Ange for the opportunity!!!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
On a roll...
Credits: Mignon papers and bits and My Alphabet brushes from "M" Collection by Tracy Ann Robinson(SBB); Brushwear frames by Tracy Ann Robinson (SBB); font CK Rennisance
Is it horrible that I'm really loving my own gallery lately? I've just been really proud of my work lately. That's not bad right? Right?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
What am I going to do next...
I think I'm going to start tap dancing lessons...really!
I haven't tapped since I was six, but I've been wanting to take lessons again for a looong time. Besides it's a great way to get in shape...I'm pretty excited about it.
What else...I'm recovered from the weekend...sort of... but I do have two new pages to share...I used Streetwear kits again...LOVE these kits!
*Note: you can find a link to Tracy's store by clicking on the Streetwear preview in the previous post.
Well, Dakota's acting very odd right now...she was lying on the couch then she leaped over the arm and the end table, ran around the dining room table, upstairs, then came back downstairs and is lying on the floor panting at my feet. I think the fact we're living in a construction zone has a lot to do about it. (Our street is being torn up) she's under my legs...think she's a bit spooked...poor girl.
Monday, August 14, 2006
A little enabling...
Have you seen Tracy Ann's new collection? It went up for sale over the weekend at Scrapbook Bytes (you can click on the picture to go straight to her store were the complete collection is on sale). I was in a huge slump, but these papers and embellies are extremely inspiring and versitile. Here are a couple of pages I made with them...
And my personal fave...
You're tempted aren't you? ;) reunion was this weekend...and well...I didn't make it to the actual reunion. I had a bit too much beer at the mixer the night before and was pretty sick the next day...yeah...very bad.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Stupid things I do...
Ok...we were out of town at a wedding over the weekend so like every environmentally concerned couple, we turned off the central air...yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, if you've been reading my blog, you know how hot it's been in Wisconsin and while it has cooled down's still pretty hot. Well add two dogs to the mix and you can bet Andy, the dogs and I came home to a pretty smelly house on Sunday.
So on Monday, I Febreezed the couch, the air, the carpet, the pillows...everything. Didn't work...
so I wake up on Tuesday morning, wash the bedding and decide to conquer the smell at its source. Since I love my fur babies so much, I can't get rid of them, so I decided that Tuesday would be bath day! It was a beautiful day so the dogs could run around outside to dry. How fun, right?! uh...wrong...
Well, I bought new treats, covered the bathroom with towels and lured my first victim...Kelvin into the tub. Kelvin's little, doesn't mind water, stood still while I scrubbed his fur and his feet, but I went to adjust the water and in one single bound, he leaped over my shoulder onto the towels. Let me tell you, dogs are slippery when they're soapy and wet, but I grabbed him and got him back in the tub...I was happy I changed into scrubby clothes.
I finished rincing him off and picked up the slippery little noodle and shooed him out the door.
On to Dakota...
Dakota needs some more pursuation to get into the tub, unlike Kelvin, I can't lift her. So that's where the treats came in handy. She got in and I went through the same procedure....only Dakota's a little more stubborn...and wiley. I did a decent job then gave up and let her jump out.
She jumped out and shook herself off...only to layer the entire bathroom (and me!) in a half inch of water. Off she went outside and I was left with a bigger mess than I started with...
Lesson learned...leaving dog bathing to the's worth the money.
(and it didn't really help the smell)
So guess what I did this morning...I scrapped! Here are my two latest...
Credits: paper, overlay, ribbon and brush-My Gypsy Rose by Michelle Coleman (ScrapArtist), flower-from Claire de Lune kit by Michelle Coleman (ScrapArtist), Vivid Color action on main photo from Photo Blast, font-CK Rennesance
That's all for now...Ciao!
Thursday, August 3, 2006 I am...
Anyway...I have the cutest photo to share today...
Yep...that's my baby Kelvin in his Goucho Marx glasses...well actually they're Daddy's. Usually he's really good about dressing up, but this time...not so much. But it was so worth it, wasn't it?
Ahhh...what's new? We're heading to Michigan this weekend for Andy's cousin's wedding. I bought the cutest dress. I'll get photos and post them Sunday or Monday.
Oh...and my reunion's next weekend! I'm nervous...I admit it. I was really quiet in high school....and I'm not really anymore. ;D
No new scrap pages...Hopefully I'll have some beautiful stuff next week. I think that pic above is calling to be scrapped!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
It's hot out there...
Notice the foot spa in the back? I decided I deserved a little pampering so yesterday I had "spa day" after work with mani/pedis. And today....
Ta Da...
I got my hair cut off...seriously like seven inches. It feels so good! I had to take pictures of it all styled before I wash it and can't get it to do anything cute. I'm kinda dissappointed because I really wanted to donate it to Locks for Love, but since I'm going to look for a job and have a wedding and my class reunion coming it goes. Besides it feels so much better in this hot weather. (Just ignore the dark roots...which I really don't understand why their there because I've been darkening my hair...not lightening it.)
Ok what else...I've been organizing my digital scrapbooking stuff in PSE Organizer. I actually moved everything to my EHD because my 40 Gb hard drive was stuffed. Andy just got a new desktop so I took my EHD there and burned all my kits and photos onto DVDs. So much nicer than CD. So I'm properly backed up and hopefully will be organized soon. Whoo hoo!
That's all for now...later gators!
Friday, July 21, 2006
I think I'll be ok...
As you can's been a tough week. I'm trying to regain my confidence, but fortunately I have been looking for jobs so my resume is out there...I do not doubt I will find something new...and hopefully something I'll love or at least like.
My depression has been horrible, but I'm working with my therapist. I think I'll be ok...
Regardless of my personal strifes, I have still been scrapping...which this blog is all about. I am so excited to be on Tracy Ann's CT. Last week, she released an A to Z album. I admit I've never used quick pages and thought I never would want to. I also always associated these type of albums as something a mom would create for her children. While I do not have children, I do have two loving dogs that I take TONS of photos of. And some of these darling photos never end up in my pages.
So I downloaded the album and started Kelvin and Dakota A to Z. I'm far from done, but you can see it in my DST gallery. Click on my title page below to see the album...check back as more pages are added...I'm lovin' this album!
To purchase this album (or find out how you can get it for FREE) visit Tracy's store here.
What else? Hmmm...Oh! I went to a chat at DST last night and won some awesome kits from Vera Lim! Here are previews of the two kits I picked out:
Aren't they gorgeous? I especially love Shabby Blue on the right.
Well that's all for now. I have a lot going on right now...but I will make it...I will be ok.
Friday, July 14, 2006
I do appreciate all your well wishes and prayers. Thank you for all your support.
Should be sleepin...
So it's 2 a.m. and I'm sitting downstairs on my computer.
In about 6 hours I will go to the clinic for my blood test to find out if in fact I am pregnant. I'm so nervous already...mostly because I know that drop in the stomach when the nurse says "no...not this time." I'm dreading those words...I've heard them way too often over the past three years. I'm praying that this time the words will be different and that in nine months I'll be holding our child (or children) in my arms.
With all this struggle that I and so many of my friends have gone through, I'm absolutely amazed when I hear women getting pregnant so easily. Do you know how many things can go wrong? If you're a parent, please, say a prayer for your children...give them an extra hug them when they think you're not looking and appreciate everything about them (even when they're driving you crazy) Those are true, honest to God miracles you have there. Be oh so thankful.
Ok...getting emotional again...have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of that tomorrow regardless of the result.
Here are a couple new layouts for first as a Tracy Ann CTM...
Credits: Bustle kit and black and white dotted paper from Figaro by Tracy Ann (available at Sweet Shoppe Designs), font-FG Otto, sketch by Gina Miller
Credits: Figaro kit by Tracy Ann (Sweet Shoppe Designs), note paper by Gina Miller (from Build Your Own Bulletin Board addon kit), font-FG William
As you can see I'm lovin' being on Tracy's Creative Team.
Well I think I'm going to try to sleep now...remember my request and please keep us in your thoughts.
Thank you.