Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 1...

I'm not really behind...just behind posting...

I LOVE this challenge! I love that at the end I'm going to have something beautiful to remember it.

Anyway, here is my first day page along with my cover and title page that lists my goals...I'm using a combination of Photoshop Elements and Corel Painter Essentials to complete my entries. I'm having so much fun experiementing with techniques and creating something inspiring and beautiful!


Credits: papers-Tracy Ann Robinson; stitches and note paper-Gina Miller; foam stamp effect-Atomic Cupcake

Title Page

Day 1

Credits: brushes-"1" by Laura Alpache in Jack Frost kit and swirl by Stacy McFadden (included with Tracy Ann Robinson's papers)


Anonymous said...

Love the simplicity!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great start on the challenge! Can't wait to see more!!!