Today our darling lab, Dakota, turns four! This is a big birthday week for us because in three days Kelvin turns five! Unfortunately Daddy is out of town...so Mommy has to go to Petco... that can't be a cheap trip...
Thanks to everyone who commented on my freebie on Friday...I will be putting up a png version for people who can't use abr files by the end of the week...so check back!
More of the puppy birthday party later!
Happy Birthday Dakota!
We also celebrate Sheba's birthday. Last year we had a little party w/her friend Naya. They both wore party hats and I made a special "brownie mix" I found at PetSmart. Have fun!
Well, a very happy birthday to Dakota indeed!!!! ;)
Oh so cute - a big hug to Dakota! Png files would be soooo awesome! Thanks!!
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