You know, scrapbooking is a real personal thing, even so, I enjoy making something and showing it to the world, such as post it in my gallery or here or even submit it to be published. I'm really addicted to Becky Higgins' sketches in Creating Keepsakes and usually create a layout and send it on its way in hopes of making it in the magazine. In January, I did one for June (which was eh...but ok) and one for July (which was WOW!!...IMHO) Then I stalk The Pub message board over at 2Peas to see if anyone else started to get calls. heart leapt then fell when I saw the July calls going out. I kept refreshing my e-mail and calling my voice mail at home, but no luck.
The thing is I know not to take this personally or see it as a reflection of my own work. I am a little familiar with the magazine business and know that some things just don't fit for what ever reason. There may be too many of the same subject or the colors may not mesh with the others chosen. So I will continue to create and submit and one day my layouts will fit too.
So here it is...
The thing is I know not to take this personally or see it as a reflection of my own work. I am a little familiar with the magazine business and know that some things just don't fit for what ever reason. There may be too many of the same subject or the colors may not mesh with the others chosen. So I will continue to create and submit and one day my layouts will fit too.
So here it is...

Credits: Paper-Rhonna Farrer (2Peas); brushes-Rhonna Farrer; fonts-Chopin Script (unknown), Miss America (Miss America Organization)and CK Roxy (Creating Keepsakes)
Beautiful, isn't it? ;) Thanks for letting me whine and pout like a spoiled child! LOL!
I did scrap some more last night while watching repeat of my favorite show Law and Order SVU. I almost didn't scrap these pictures...but aren't they cute?

Credits: papers and alpha-Fingerpainting kit by Gina Miller; gingham flower-Gina Miller; paper clip-Diva kit by Amanda Behrmann; font-AL Charisma
Unfortunately, I regret to inform you Blue is no longer with us...if you scroll down to the page I posted of Kelvin, our cocker, you'll see him carrying his trophy. Sad....very sad.
That's all for now! Have a happy hump day!
I think your work is beautiful! Chin up and keep trying. (I know, don't you get sick of hearing that?) ;)
Your work is wonderful and you are much braver than I who has never even gotten the courage up to try! WTG for trying! BTW I love your LO - they so should have picked it!
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